Deep Green R&D Solutions
Creating niche solutions to R&D challenges
for the minerals and related sectors
Agile || Connected || Experienced
Deep Green R&D Solutions
From conception to implementation, we work with our clients to address their business challenges
We support company R&D efforts; we can even manage your R&D entirely for you
We provide advice for organisations to maximise investment in R&D by leveraging funding and ensuring uptake
Through our extensive global network we find solutions out of left field. We know who the best providers are of applied research
We can benchmark your company's R&D efforts
We establish research collaborations, designing programs to maximise leverage and impact
We have an unparalleled network of contacts to maximise potential to attract suitable partners
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Global Expertise
Deep Green R&D Solutions Pty Ltd was incorporated in July 2021 in Melbourne, Australia. The company offers technical and strategic solutions to the challenges faced by the minerals and related sectors. The company draws on the Founder's 25 years of research implementation experience and broad private and public sector knowledge.
Adele Seymon
A connector; passionate about working with leaders and teams on projects that create positive and sustained change for industry and society.
Adele trained as an economic geologist, with exposure across the entire minerals value chain. She is passionate about her role in the space where research and technology aids the success of the global minerals industry, helping to ensure the minerals sector maintains its global licence to operate and strengthens its relevance and appeal to an evolving society
Prior to founding Deep Green R&D Solutions Pty Ltd, Adele was Program Director with AMIRA International, where she managed a global team developing, brokering and facilitating global collaborative research projects across the mining value chain. These projects delivered new data, knowledge and technology to AMIRA's member companies. She has worked extensively with companies, research organisations, government agencies, NGOs and NFPs. She is experienced in developing roadmaps, State of the Art studies and conferences, as well as creating and overseeing large and small research projects and programs, and has represented AMIRA's stakeholders on successful ARC grant applications
From 2003 to 2010, Adele worked with the Geological Survey of Victoria, where her role was to investigate and promote mineral prospectivity and encourage exploration investment. She led a team of geoscientists in these activities, and managed various state owned processes and facilities relating to mineral resources, including the state owned drill core library. Prior to this she spent time in mineral exploration in Western Australia; and in finance research broking in Melbourne, Australia
Adele has a BSc(Hons) in Geology from Monash University, and a Diploma of Business (Frontline Management) from the Melbourne University Business School
Adele is currently a Fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists (FSEG) and a Fellow of the AusIMM (FAusIMM). She is also a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD)
Let's talk
Curious about how we can help you? We'd love to hear from you, so drop us a line:
Why 'Deep Green' R&D Solutions?
Curious about our company name?
The name came about with the realisation that I have two passions (aside from skiing!). Firstly, for komatiites (the rock type that was the focus of my BSc Honours project all those years ago at the Mt Keith nickel deposit in Western Australia) - and in particular serpentinised komatiites. And secondly, for helping our society move more rapidly towards a greener world through the mechanism of adopting R&D outcomes by industry and governments.
Deep Green R&D Solutions will epitomise both of these passions. Working with organisations to improve their involvement in and adoption of R&D solutions in ways that are in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, for the betterment of our society and our planet.
Photo: Chevron dendrites of chromite within massive Ni-Cu sulfides at the base of the Black Swan komatiite